Rodin Titan Ceramic Nanohybrid


Key Features

  • Swift Workflow: Titan’s formulation enables quick and accurate printing, streamlining chairside workflows, and providing professionals with reliable and swift delivery of products to their patients.
  • Vita Shade Matching: Rodin™ Titan is available in 6 sought-after vita shades (BL0, BL3, B1, A1, A2, and A3) providing clinicians with the versatility to replicate natural aesthetics, resulting in seamless integration with patients’ smiles.
  • Natural Translucency: Rodin™ Titan accurately mimics natural tooth translucency compared to leading competitors.
  • Optimal Radiopacity: Ensures precise visualization of provisionals within the oral cavity, facilitating effective fit assessment and verification.
  • Tailored Enhancements: Compatible with acrylic-based light-curable stain and glaze systems, such as the Rodin™ Palette Naturalizing Kit.
Rodin™ Titan Ceramic Nanohybrid 1.2 kg B...
$ 449.00

1 product